Vegan, Feminine & Fit

A 2 Day FREE Workshop To Discover the Unique System For Vegan Weight Loss And Let Go Of Toxic Dieting

February 8th & 9th at 12pm EST/6pm CET

Sustainable Weight-Loss does NOT start with a strict diet.

It starts with learning that women are NOT like little men.

In this workshop I will share the exact system, that will help YOU lose weight, easily, effortlessly and keep it off forever!

This is a proven system that changed the lives of hundreds of women worldwide.

What you’ll get:

  • The Blueprint of what my private clients did to achieve the success they had (see below)
  • The exact tools and tips to transform your health without ever dieting again
  • Learn my favourite mindset technique to never lose motivation again
  • Crack the code on your hormonal health that is keeping you from the results you have always wanted
  • A Community of vegan ladies from all around the world on the same journey
  • If you finally want to thrive on a vegan diet and stop the bloat that so many vegans experience
  • If you want to wear a bikini and feel freaking confident
  • If you want to look into the mirror and love what you see forever
  • If you want to understand why you have not been getting the results you want and how syncing with your cycle is the ultimate solution to long term health
  • If you are tired of trying it on your own and are ready to get the guidance you need

This is for you if…

About Jess

I’m Jessica and I am a certified vegan nutritionist and fitness trainer. 

I became vegan in December 2017, due to health and ethical reasons. 

I used to struggle with very bad hormonal acne all over my face, neck and back as well as gut and digestive issues and an eating disorder.

The moment I shared my story on social media, many people started reaching out to me for help and support. People who themselves struggled with health issues, bloating, weight gain and fatigue.

When I first became vegan I had no idea what I was doing. I believed that all I had to do was eat whole food plant-based and that would make me look and feel great. But the exact opposite happened. And I ended up in a vicious cycle of gaining weight, losing weight, feeling fatigued and bloated. And at the same time I was over-exercising.

I remember at one point my mom took a picture of me in a bikini at the beach in Barcelona and I didn’t recognize myself. I looked bloated and nothing like me. Before I went vegan I used to look toned and fit and once I went vegan all of this has changed. And once I started researching I saw that I wasn’t the only one struggling with these issues.

Now after all of these years, endless research, self-studies and certifications, I can finally say that I am looking the greatest I ever looked and I feel the best I have ever felt. I have combated my hormonal acne, my bloating, and my eating disorder and I am feeling stronger than ever, physically and mentally.

On top of that, knowing that my actions are positively impacting the environment, the animals, and the world, I knew that I needed to share whatever I have learned over the years with YOU!

Having worked with 200+ clients from all over the world, I have learned that women require a different kind of strategy and support than men. That’s why this program is entirely built around that.


Sign up

Sign up

Free to attend.

Virtual Event

February 8th & 9th

12pm EST/6pm CET


  • The Menstrual cycle is our 4th vital sign.

    But the truth is, so many women are feeling less and less connected to themselves and their bodies, and more and more disconnected. The rushing woman is a perfect example of the kind of world we as humans live in where women have a never-ending to-do list and feel like all they have to do is “DO” and not “BE”.

    The menstrual cycle is one of the top 3 most important parts of women’s health next to nutrition and movement.

    Unfortunately, most of us have never learned how to properly work with our cycle. Therefore, many women end up feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected and develop hormonal imbalances and illnesses such as PCOS, endometriosis, etc.

    By syncing with our cycle, we are not only minimizing these illnesses from happening but we are also stepping into our feminine wealth that we as women have!

  • The truth is, is that there are not a lot of female vegan coaches, who actually cover women’s health.

    Most female coaches focus on coaching women the same way as they would coach men. What what most don’t know is that the majority of the research done in the fitness industry has been done on men.

    Looking at nutrition & training alone is therefore not sustainable for long-term health results.

  • Yes! It’s all online! You will receive the Zoom Link upon registration!

  • Yes, but only for people who sign up. We still recommend joining the live workshop though as it will be more powerful and you have a chance to interact.


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